Vol. 16 No. 2 (2017): UIS Engineering Journal

Assessment of the cogeneration potential of a 10 kVA diesel electric generator set

Carlos Alberto Romero Piedrahita
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Yamid Carranza
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Edinson Henao
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Published 2017-07-31


  • Energy balance,
  • Combustion engine,
  • Generator group

How to Cite

Romero Piedrahita, C. A., Carranza, Y., & Henao, E. (2017). Assessment of the cogeneration potential of a 10 kVA diesel electric generator set. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 16(2), 173–184. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v16n2-2017016


Since the combustion engine based electrical generation has an important share in the total electrical energy produced by the country, the assessment of opportunities of autogeneration is seen as a needed strategy in the seek of reduction of energy consumption and the mitigation of environmental impact derived from the use of internal combustion engines. It is the purpose of the present work to disclose the engine energy balance composition and to depict some basic parameters for the cogeneration assessment of combustion engine based generator sets. The concepts presented in the paper are illustrated with the experimental measurements taken in a 10 kVA two cylinder Diesel engine based generator, tested under three load conditions given by a corresponding number of cooled electrical resistances. Measurements of fuel consumption, consumed electrical power, and heat evacuated with exhaust gases and coolant are used to calculate the thermal energy balance of the Diesel engine as well as the cogeneration potential of the generator set.


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