Vol. 16 No. 2 (2017): UIS Engineering Journal

Characterization of ceramics, immersed in solutions of the system sio2 - tio2 - zro2 synthesized by the sol-gel method

Jorge Sánchez Molina
Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander - Ufps
Sandra Milena Rozo Rincón
Jhon Freddy Gelvez Díaz
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Jorge Hernando Bautista Ruiz

Published 2017-05-30


  • Red clay,
  • mechanical resistance to flexion,
  • SiO2 – TiO2 – ZrO2 system,
  • ceramic,
  • sol-gel

How to Cite

Sánchez Molina, J., Rozo Rincón, S. M., Gelvez Díaz, J. F., & Bautista Ruiz, J. H. (2017). Characterization of ceramics, immersed in solutions of the system sio2 - tio2 - zro2 synthesized by the sol-gel method. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 16(2), 51–60. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v16n2-2017005


The results of structural, microchemical and physicoceramic characterization of ceramic samples (red clay) immersed in solutions "TiO2 - ZrO2- SiO2" is presented. Samples were prepared by the sol-gel method using tetraethyl ortosilicate, titanium tetrabutoxide and zirconium tetrabutoxide. Ceramics samples for immersion were prepared with atomized powders of red clay and subjected to firing at 1000 °C. The samples were made from ceramic powders atomized red clay, fired at 1000 °C. After firing ceramics were immersed in the solutions in volume concentrations 10/20/70: Si /Ti /Zr and 10/70/20: Si/Ti /Zr. Immersion times were 2, 4 and 6 minutes respectively.  Subsequent to drying the samples were subjected to firing at 600 °C for 1 hour, at a rate of 2 °C/min. Microchemical and microstructural aspects of the fired samples were established using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and x-ray dispersive energy (EDX). Technological properties evaluated were water absorption, bulk density and mechanical resistance to flexion. The study results allowed to determine that mechanical resistance to flexion improvement in samples immersed in the solution 10/70/20: Si/Ti/Zr. Similarly, a slight reduction in the percentage of water absorption with this same treatment was observed. Treatment with greater amount of zirconium, shows no significant changes in relation to the standard used.



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