Vol. 17 No. 1 (2018): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Application of product development techniques for the development of an anthropomorphic robot

Cristhian Riaño
Universidad de Pamplona
Cesar Peña
Universidad de Pamplona
Heller Guillermo Sánchez Acevedo
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2018-01-05


  • Conceptual design,
  • QFD (Quality Function Development),
  • sustainable architecture,
  • robotics,
  • TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving)

How to Cite

Riaño, C., Peña, C., & Sánchez Acevedo, H. G. (2018). Application of product development techniques for the development of an anthropomorphic robot. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 17(1), 21–34. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v17n1-2018002


Robotic projects involve components framed within areas such as electronics; mechanics, control and programming in which different critical variables intervene that can compromise the achievement of the expected results. In this project, numerous requirements were formulated to be satisfied with limited resources, which forces to have a small margin of error in its manufacture. Techniques used in product development were used to achieve the required specifications for the project. The article describes the development of a robot in the stages of informational project, conceptual project, detailed project and manufacturing. They are presented design considerations studied and analyzed to obtain a functional robotic arm running tasks agriculture. Techniques such as QFD (Quality Function Development) were used 

to translate the needs associated with the project into engineering decisions. The Mudge diagram (value analysis matrix) is used as a method of comparison and hierarchy of requirements. With the application of QFD the requirements of the robot are transformed into quality characteristics that allow to generate a conceptual project with the methods and activities to execute. The results showed the effectiveness of using design tools to create robotic systems and to focus resources on satisfying the requirements.


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