Methodology for selecting atmospheric monitoring sitesin urban areas affected by emissions from mobile sources
Published 2016-06-20
- air quality monitoring sites,
- mobile sources,
- pollutants
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Atmospheric monitoring is one of the fundamental steps in identifying strategies to minimize, prevent and control the impact of the dispersion of pollutants in the air, on public health and the environment. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to propose a methodology for selecting air monitoring sites in urban areas affected by emissions from mobile sources. First, the places with the highest vehicular flow were identified and prioritized according to the following selection criteria: safety, influence of other sources, ease of assembly of equipment, accessibility to the site, identification of barriers and obstacles, historical record of data and degree concentration of the pollutant: in this case carbon monoxide, using CALINE 3 software. The modeling grouped characteristic data related with roads, meteorology and vehicular flow of a typical year of the zone under study. A quantitative assessment is assigned to each of these parameters, which defines the sites where the monitoring will be performed. As a result, it was developed a guide to select those places where atmospheric monitoring campaigns related with mobile sources can be held. This methodology was applied in the city of Cartagena de Indias by using air quality model for assessment, CALINE 3
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