Vol. 17 No. 1 (2018): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Lagrangian-Eulerian approximation methods for balance laws and hyperbolic conservation laws

Eduardo Abreu
Jhon Perez
ITM Institución Universitaria
Arthur Santo
Statistics and Scientific Computing - UNICAMP

Published 2018-01-11


  • Conservation laws,
  • lagrangian-eulerian,
  • finite volume

How to Cite

Abreu, E., Perez, J., & Santo, A. (2018). Lagrangian-Eulerian approximation methods for balance laws and hyperbolic conservation laws. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 17(1), 191–200. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v17n1-2018018


A new finite control volume in a Lagrangian-Eulerian framework is presented (see papers [1, 28]), in which a local space-time domain is studied, in order to design a locally conservative scheme. Such scheme accounts for the delicate nonlinear balance between the numerical approximations of the hyperbolic flux and the source term for balance law problems linked to the purely hyperbolic character of conservation laws. Furthermore, by combining the ideas of this new approach, we give a formal construction of a new algorithm for solving several nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws in two space dimensions. Here, a set of pertinent numerical experiments for distinct models is presented to evidence that we are calculating the correct qualitatively good solutions. 


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