Mechanical and physical characterization of Guadua angustifolia ‘Kunth’ fibers from Colombia
Published 2018-06-19
- Natural fibers,
- SEM,
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Fibers of natural origin have been implemented as reinforcement materials in different areas; hence, it is important to know their properties. In this paper, the results of the physical, chemical, and mechanical characterization of natural fibers of guadua are shown; to achieve this, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), moisture absorption, apparent density and fiber stress tests were used. The aim was to analyze the general behavior of guadua fibers and to determine their viability as reinforcement in composite materials for construction. From the characterization, it was determined that guadua has an excellent tensile strength and can be used as reinforcement in polymer matrices because of its roughness; that is, it has adhesion, it is light, and it has excellent absorption in comparison to other fibers.
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