Design of a management plan to reduce the biomechanical workload in companies of footwear industry in Valle del Cauca
Published 2018-05-07
- Macroergonomics,
- working conditions,
- management plans,
- footwear industry
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This research presents a systemic approach to the improvement of the conditions related to ergonomics in the footwear sector. We used a hierarchical analysis of processes, including biomechanical workload assessment (REBA and OCRA) to prioritize the productive processes that required intervention. Under the macroergonomic approach, it was found that the best organizational design for companies in the sector is a matrix structure of processes; a linear or "U" -shaped floor layout and, that criteria related to the uniformity of lighting within the installations must be met for work environment. Finally, the workplace was redesigned through the Design thinking methodology and the REBA and OCRA methods were verified again, where the postural assessment showed that in the case of REBA, the postural assessment went from medium risk level to low; and in the case of repetitiveness (OCRA), it went from not acceptable to very mild.
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