Methodological tool for energy evaluation through simulation of buildings in the tropic
Published 2019-03-11
- Building Energy Design,
- Energy Simulation,
- Building Energy Performance
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The interpretation of results is a barrier that prevents the use of Building Energy Simulation Tools - BEST in the process of building design. This creates special requirements of experience and knowledge in BEST users, restricting their use to expert professionals. To facilitate that users with low experience can carry out the evaluation of the energy performance of tropical buildings, it was established a methodological tool based on a benchmarking by indicators. As reference values, it was defined Resolution 0549 of 2015 (Colombia) as baseline and ASHRAE 90.1 as the reference building. This tool was applied to evaluate the energy performance of three buildings, two of university type and one residential. The results indicate that the use of this tool aids to improve quality of the results and reduce the time required for analysis.
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