Vol. 18 No. 1 (2019): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Characterization of cadastral data for the classification of informal settlements in Medellín

Daniela Guerra-Ocampo
Universidad de Antioquia
Julián Castillo
Universidad de Antioquia
Yony Ceballos
Universidad de Antioquia

Published 2019-01-01


  • informal settlements,
  • descriptive statistics,
  • building,
  • cadaster,
  • Minitab

How to Cite

Guerra-Ocampo, D., Castillo, J., & Ceballos, Y. (2019). Characterization of cadastral data for the classification of informal settlements in Medellín. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 18(1), 187–202. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v18n1-2019017


This document proposes, through a statistical analysis, to identify the current conditions of the settlements in the communes of Medellin and extract information from the data to understand the conditions that make it attractive for displaced people to settle in. This study is supported by information provided by the Cadastre secretary of Medellin, which corresponds to the number of existing informal properties, their commune, as well as data on soil, road conditions, areas, socio-economic level, area types, among others that allow to analyse the initial conditions so that people who emigrate define their settlement. In addition, this analysis allows to know the trends in the city regarding the level of life that people possess, as well as to make a diagnosis of the current state in terms of properties, communes, existing neighbourhoods, division of the territory, road conditions, uses assigned to the soil, number of floors or number of owners of the properties, among others, which evidences the behaviour of Colombian society. Finally, relations between the soil class variable and the stratum, hierarchy and road state.


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