Vol. 18 No. 2 (2019): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Communication of electrical systems in the IEC 61850 Standard: Development of cases using sampled values in Client-Server services

Hermann Raúl Vargas-Torres
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Fabián Andrés Acevedo-Cardozo
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Laura Camila Calderón-Soto
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Juan Camilo González-Castillo
Universidad Industrial de Santander

Published 2019-02-13


  • IEC 61850,
  • GOOSE,
  • Sampled Values,
  • automation of substations,
  • communication of substations,
  • IED,
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vargas-Torres, H. R., Acevedo-Cardozo, F. A., Calderón-Soto, L. C., & González-Castillo, J. C. (2019). Communication of electrical systems in the IEC 61850 Standard: Development of cases using sampled values in Client-Server services. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 18(2), 221–236. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v18n2-2019021


This article presents an implementation of IEC 61850 international standard, designed for automation, control and protection of substations, using Client / Server services, allowing to remotely query variable data. For this purpose, the procedure performed is shown and the functionality of the communications protocol is analyzed, from the exchange of data and information between the devices that make up the proposed network. The realization of this work is due to the greater penetration and influence of the norm, how it should be implemented, among other aspects.


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