Thermodynamic optimization of heat transfer in internal gas flow with conical ring inserts
Published 2020-05-22
- optimization,
- inserts,
- conical rings,
- subsonic heating,
- second law
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The use of static inserts allows reducing the volume of heat exchangers at the design stage, although they could also be installed in operating equipment to enhance their performance. In this work, an original methodology is developed for the thermodynamic optimization of conical ring inserts within cylindrical piping for gas heating, using a dimensionless algebraic model. Two optimization cases are considered: the design of a new heat exchanger, and the retrofitting of an operating equipment. In the former only the mass flow, charge temperature and heat rate are known, whereas all geometrical characteristics are fixed for the latter. As results, this article presents a parametric study for discharge temperature and entropy generation, and the result of optimization methodology applied to several parameter combinations. The trends observed for optimal configurations are discussed and an example is solved to illustrate the practical value of the proposed methodology. It was found that optimum configuration leads to less severe inserts, and that best designs are those with lower pipe aspect ratio (L/D), while the tube count, used in Reynolds number calculation, is adjusted to meet temperature requirements.
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