Vol. 18 No. 3 (2019): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Emergent coordination in multi-robot systems

Angel Eduardo Gil Perez
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira
José Aguilar
Universidad de los Andes
Rafael Rivas
Universidad de los Andes
Eladio Dapena
Universidad de los Andes

Published 2019-04-26


  • architecture,
  • coordination,
  • emergency,
  • self-organization,
  • multi-robot systems

How to Cite

Gil Perez, A. E., Aguilar, J., Rivas, R., & Dapena, E. (2019). Emergent coordination in multi-robot systems. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 18(3), 75–86. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v18n3-2019008


In nature there are societies of living beings that coordinate their actions in a non-centralized way. For example, emergent processes that combine the actions of individuals in the achievement of a common goal occur in ant colonies. This paper describes a management layer that facilitates emerging coordination processes in multi-robot systems, which together with other two layers (one of individual management and another of knowledge management), manage the processes necessary for the operation of the multi-robot system. In particular, this layer allows the appearance of emergency and self-organization in the system.



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