Vol. 18 No. 4 (2019): Revista UIS Ingenierías

Mechanical structure design pertaining to Laquintasaura animatronic dinosaur

Jesús Marcey García Caicedo
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira
Reyder Reales
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira
Daniel Zambrano
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira

Published 2019-07-25


  • animatronics,
  • design of mechanisms,
  • dynamic simulation,
  • kinematic simulation

How to Cite

García Caicedo, J. M., Reales, R., & Zambrano, D. (2019). Mechanical structure design pertaining to Laquintasaura animatronic dinosaur. Revista UIS Ingenierías, 18(4), 43–56. https://doi.org/10.18273/revuin.v18n4-2019004


This article describes the design project of an animatronic of the Venezuelan dinosaur named Laquintasaura, which was developed from a selected concept taking into account the objective specifications derived from the needs of the client. It has a total of 9 degrees of freedom, operated by 8 mechanisms, which give the ability to perform the movements corresponding to the opening of the mouth, ascent and rotation of the head, movements of the neck, ascent and descent of the torso, rotation of the arms and movement of the tail. To design the animatronic, a structure was dimensioned, then a series of dynamic and kinematic simulations were carried out to evaluate the movements of the mechanisms, then the actuators that would execute the movements were selected. Additionally, an analysis of stresses using the Finite Element Method was applied to several mechanical elements to obtain a robust structure that meets the requested requirements


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