Information For Authors

For submissions, please create an user to login or request one to Once your user is created, you will be notified. Keep in mind that your submission must have the following documents:

  1. The article must be edited using the Template of Revista UIS Ingenierías
  2. A zipped file that contains the images and other graphic material used in high definition.

Once your article is accepted by the editors it would be sent to peer reviewers. After that, Revista UIS Ingenierías will ask you to fill and send a Partial Use License Letter.

Guidelines for Authors

The research lines of interest to the journal Revista UIS Ingenierías are related to engineering, and applied sciences, especially, (1) materials science, (2) decision science, and (3) manufacturing engineering.

In addition, Revista UIS Ingenierías journal prioritizes the publication of articles of the following typologies: original article of scientific and technological research, short article, article of reflection and review article; typologies described in the Guide Document of the Permanent Indexing Service of Science, Technology and Innovation.

 Form and preparation of the articles

Any article proposed for the study of Revista UIS Ingenierías journal (RUI) must comply with the formal and style aspects contained in the template of the journal, arranged on the OJS platform. The following are the most relevant aspects:

  • Articles should make use of impersonal sentences, avoiding the use of the first person singular or plural. The length of articles submitted to the journal should not be less than six (6) pages, nor exceed twenty (20) pages, including the list of references.
  • The top margin of the article should be 2.0 cm, all others (bottom, left, right) should be 2.5 cm. A single line spacing (1.0) should be used. The body of the article must be diagrammed to two columns 8 cm wide and 0.59 cm spaced.
  • The title of the article must be concrete and synthetic. It must be written both in Spanish and English, complying with the spelling norms of each one of the languages.
  • All articles submitted to RUI must follow the following structure: (1) heading, (2) abstract, (3) introduction, (4) method(s) or methodology, (5) results, (6) conclusions, (7) references. It is not mandatory to use the suggested labels, but  the article must include the methods or the methodology, the results and that from these generate conclusions and recommendations.
  • The abstract must be written in Spanish and English (abstract). This should be structured in a single paragraph and should not contain citations, mathematical formulas, or exceed 400 words. Along with the abstract, the keywords must be in Spanish and English. These should be arranged alphabetically and separated by semicolons. The number of keywords should not be less than 10 nor more than 15.
  • The references should be made with the style proposed by IEEE, which allows citing without altering the syntax of sentences. The minimum number of references is 15 and these must be of scientific nature: books, articles, presentations, among others. Images and graphic resources should not be referenced; it is enough to indicate the source of obtaining them.
  • Images and graphical resources such as tables and graphs should contain concrete information, easy to interpret and complement the text. Unnecessary repetitions should be avoided.

It is the sole responsibility of the author, or authors, to verify that his article complies with all the formatting conditions, which are required for this to be accepted. Only items sent via the OJS platform will be considered for evaluation. However, the follow-up of the editorial process is done both through the platform and via email. In this sense, it is the responsibility of the author to request information on the status of the review and editing process of his article.

The shipment must contain the following documents:

  • Article preferably adjusted to the format of Revista UIS Ingenierías (RUI).
  • Letter of presentation and partial use license duly completed and signed by each of the authors.
  • Images or graphic material used in the article in high resolution.

Modifications during the publishing process

During the evaluation and editing process, the authors  are responsible for making the changes suggested by the editors, evaluators and proofreaders, in order for theri article to reach the editorial quality necessary to be published. When the author or authors do not respond to the suggestions or corrections required in a period exceeding one month, the article will be released for publication in another journal. Articles that do not have the suggested settings will not be published.

At any time, the author may withdraw his article, provided that he explains the reasons for withdrawing it, in order to provide the editorial team with valuable information for the improvement of editorial practices and policies.