Vol. 42 No. 3 (2020): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

The gravitational slumping of Guando (Tolima, Colombia): structural characteristics and consequences in its tectonic interpretation

Eduardo Antonio Rossello
Universidad de Buenos Aires
José Luis Saavedra

Published 2020-09-30


  • Gravitational slumping,
  • Structural interpretation,
  • Tectonics,
  • Guando Field,
  • Colombia

How to Cite

Rossello, E. A., & Saavedra, J. L. (2020). The gravitational slumping of Guando (Tolima, Colombia): structural characteristics and consequences in its tectonic interpretation. Boletín De Geología, 42(3), 151–170. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v42n3-2020007



The mountainous areas with steep topographic slopes tend to show shallow gravitational landslides that attenuate the prominence of the relief, as occurred in Guando. The multicompositional nature of the rocky volumes involved, the climatic incidence and the action of seismicity can trigger landslides that adjust the topography to levels of greater stability. Thus, the frequently responsible and characteristic compressional tectonic interpretation of these reliefs is affected by features attributed to more recent and shallow gravitational phenomena. Thus, it is possible to involve within the same deformative process the thrusting with the gravitational slides if they are considered chronologically contemporary. If they are located on underlying exploratory targets when drilled through, drilling tools may crash and collapse depending on the displacements magnitudes that occur on the sub-horizontal surfaces of the slide. The objective of this work is to describe topographic and subsoil morphostructural features characteristic of the gravitational displacements involved in conventional compressional structural interpretation and the technical problems that can be generated in exploratory activities. In this regard, a 3D description of the Campo Guando case in the Upper Magdalena Basin (Colombia) is provided with a real example of the possible causes and consequences of this problem.


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