Vol. 43 No. 2 (2021): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Columnar jointing structures in lavas from the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanic Complex (Colombia): Facies, dimensions and geometry

Yuly Paola Rave-Bonilla
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
John J. Sánchez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2021-05-31


  • Columnar jointing,
  • Cooling mechanisms,
  • Polygonal shapes,
  • Lava,
  • Energy

How to Cite

Rave-Bonilla, Y. P., & Sánchez, J. J. (2021). Columnar jointing structures in lavas from the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanic Complex (Colombia): Facies, dimensions and geometry. Boletín De Geología, 43(2), 45–62. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v43n2-2021003



Associated with the Nevado del Ruiz Volcanic Complex (NRVC), there are several lava flows with columnar jointing structures that were formed by the physical cooling regime. These joints, of interest to the volcanology and geoturism, specially for the Volcán del Ruiz Geopark, candidate to UNESCO recognition, not only because they have significance to the understanding of flow and cooling mechanisms which in turn have implications on the permeability to geothermal fluids, but also because they are attractive structures for geoturism around the world. In this work, the jointing facies in lavas from four sites along the road between Manizales and Murillo on the northeastern flank of NRVC are characterized. From each outcrop a description is presented in terms of the morphology, using aerial photographs and field observations, and by documenting the dimensions and geometries of joints and their identifiable minor structures. Also, the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of rock samples from each site allowed the textural features and modal mineralogy to be established. The andesite composition of all samples is confirmed, with euhedral plagioclase (andesine and oligoclase) crystals of up to 4 mm in size. It was also determined that the columns have average dimensions of 1.3 m width, 3 m high, with striae separated by an average of 12.6 cm, and polygonal shapes with predominantly four sides. From these observed features it is concluded that these lavas underwent a relatively quick but nonetheless complex cooling process that involved a large amount of energy, including heat dissipation and deformational energy, and also that many primary features in the emplacements have most likely been affected by intense weathering and erosion.


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