Vol. 43 No. 1 (2021): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Mineralogy and U/Pb ages of rutile-(Nb,Ta) related to cassiterite, and columbite from Mesoproterozoic rocks of the Amazonian Craton near Cachicamo, Colombia

Jose Alejandro Franco
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Thomas Cramer
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Amed Bonilla
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Antonio Jose Castañeda
Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg
Marc Poujol
Universidad de Rennes
Zeze Amaya
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2021-01-07


  • Mineralogy,
  • pXRF,
  • Geochronology,
  • Rutile-(Nb,Ta),
  • Amazonian Craton,
  • Colombia
  • ...More

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Franco, J. A., Cramer, T., Bonilla, A., Castañeda, A. J., Poujol, M., & Amaya, Z. (2021). Mineralogy and U/Pb ages of rutile-(Nb,Ta) related to cassiterite, and columbite from Mesoproterozoic rocks of the Amazonian Craton near Cachicamo, Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 43(1), 99–126. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v43n1-2021005



In order to clarify if rutile-(Nb,Ta) mega-crystals in the Indigenous Cachicamo community (NE-Vichada-department, Colombia) are derived from rocks of the Parguaza Rapakivi Granite suite, samples were extracted from a ferruginous duricrust layer (composed of hematite, goethite, limonite, ± magnetite, ilmenite, zircon, and rock fragments) of a lateritic profile over granitoid basement rocks and analyzed together with soils and concentrates. Density and pXRF measurements of >250 rutiles revealed a strong variation from low-density (~3.4 g/cm3), nearly-pure TiO2-rutiles, to rutile-(Nb,Ta) crystals (up-to 5.9 g/cm3) enriched in Nb, Ta, Fe, Mn, Sn, V and W. Metallography, SEM-EDX, XRF and XRD exhibited up-to 0.2 mm- inclusions of ~17% columbite-(Fe) and 4% cassiterite in a ~78% rutile-(Nb,Ta) matrix, where EPMA values of ~72% TiO2, 11% Nb2O5, 9% Ta2O5, 6% Fe2O3 and 1.5% SnO2 confirm, together with low W and Mn, pegmatitic-pneumatolytic conditions. ICP-MS measurements yielded enough U for encouraging LA-ICP-MS dating in the University of Rennes 1, where, using rutile standards R10 and R19, in ten rutile-(Nb,Ta) crystals, concordant U/Pb-ages of 1512±12 My were determined. These ages confirm the former assumption based on field observation that the Cachicamo rutiles-(Nb,Ta) originally crystalized within the 1500-1550 My-old Parguaza Granite in Venezuela, where secondary deposits contain similar (sub-?) economic cassiterite, rutile-(Nb,Ta), columbite-tantalite and monazite. Additionally, the analysis of different horizons containing zircon, ilmenite and magnetite, showed that rutiles-(Nb,Ta) are restricted to the duricrust horizon. Detrital zircons from the A-horizon (duricrust) revealed a similar age span of 1525 My, which is coeval with the Parguaza Batholith reported in Venezuela, whereas ages of 1415 My of zircons from the C-horizon (regolith) coincide with the local Parguaza Rapakivi Granite ages (1340-1402 My). Hence, this study supports a nonlocal source for the Cachicamo rutile-(Nb,Ta) crystals, which probably had experienced a post-exhumation transport westward over several tens of kilometres through a zone which nowadays is deepened by the Orinoco-river valley.


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