Vol. 44 No. 3 (2022): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Geochemical and geomechanical evaluation of the Mungaroo Formation, offshore northwestern Australia

Carlos Fernando Caicedo-Amaya
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Rocio Bernal-Olaya
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Erick Johan Illidge-Araujo

Published 2022-10-26


  • Burial histories,
  • Heat flow,
  • Gas kitchens,
  • Fragility

How to Cite

Caicedo-Amaya, C. F., Bernal-Olaya, R., & Illidge-Araujo, E. J. (2022). Geochemical and geomechanical evaluation of the Mungaroo Formation, offshore northwestern Australia. Boletín De Geología, 44(3), 95–117. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v44n3-2022004



The geochemical characterization of the Mungaroo Formation rocks shows the presence of kerogen type II/III and III which characterizes the Exmouth Plateau sub-basin as a gas prone basin. Using 13 burial histories constructed from well data, we identified three tendencies: One with high sedimentation rates between the Middle Triassic and Upper Triassic (69.3-95.3 m/Ma), another one with high sedimentation rates between the Lower and Upper Cretaceous (67-158 m/Ma), and the last one with low sedimentation rates (18-40 m/Ma) during the Upper Cretaceous until present time. All these trends defined active generation zones (or gas kitchens) between 2,000 and 4,400 km2. High sedimentation rates during the Cretaceous and Triassic times were key to the burial history of the Mungaroo Formation because they allowed these rocks to reach the required depths to transform its organic matter. In contrast, in the area with low sedimentation rates, radiogenic heat flow was the trigger for the transformation of the organic matter. The generation/expulsion of hydrocarbons from these shales occurs since 100 My, consequently explaining the large gas accumulation found in the sub-basin. Currently, the Mungaroo formation is in the gas generation window at depths of 4,500 to 5,500 m below sea level. The shales of this formation show TOC% values higher than 2% reaching the gas generation zone (Ro% >1.3) and suggesting its potential as an unconventional gas reservoir. However, geomechanical features such as low fragility, under pressure, and thickness, condemns its unconventional potential.


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