Vol. 44 No. 3 (2022): Boletín de Geología
Artículos científicos

Methodologies for landslides hazard assessment in basic hazard studies: case study municipality of Andes, Antioquia, Colombia

Edier Aristizábal
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Paula Morales-García
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Mariana Vásquez-Guarín
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Diana Ruíz-Vásquez
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Johnnatan Palacio-Córdoba
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Flor Patricia Ángel-Cárdenas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Humberto Caballero-Acosta
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Oswaldo Ordóñez-Carmona
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Published 2022-10-26


  • Landslides,
  • Risk management,
  • Land use planning,
  • Andes (Antioquia)

How to Cite

Aristizábal, E., Morales-García, P., Vásquez-Guarín, M., Ruíz-Vásquez, D., Palacio-Córdoba, J., Ángel-Cárdenas, F. P., Caballero-Acosta, H., & Ordóñez-Carmona, O. (2022). Methodologies for landslides hazard assessment in basic hazard studies: case study municipality of Andes, Antioquia, Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 44(3), 199–217. https://doi.org/10.18273/revbol.v44n3-2022009



Landslide susceptibility and hazard studies are essential for updating land use plans in the municipalities of the Colombian territory. Thereby, the law 1523 of 2012 that established the political framework and the decrees 1807 of 2014 and 1077 of 2015 have established the technical guidelines that such studies must follow and the minimum conditions that must be achieved. Therefore, a selection of some known methodologies in literature was done, which, being adapted and validated according to the specific conditions of each municipality, they are used to carry out these studies, for both rural, urban and expansion areas and for each factor that can detonate these events.


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