Metallographic and microthermometric characterization of the Estrella-Diamantina project, Remedios-Segovia-Zaragoza Mining District, Antioquia-Colombia
Published 2024-06-14
- Fluid inclusions,
- Lode systems,
- Gold,
- Out-Pericos fault system,
- Multielemental analysis
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The Estrella-Diamantina exploration project is located on the Eastern flank of the Central Cordillera, in the northern zone of the Remedios-Segovia-Zaragoza Mining District (DMRSZ), to the west of the Otú-Pericos fault system and hosted in metamorphic rocks of the Cajamarca Complex. The characteristics of ore-forming fluids were analyzed using alteration and ore-minerals petrography which were complemented by ICP-MS analyses. The thermal and compositional evolution of the ore-forming fluids were accessed using petrography of fluid inclusion and microthermometry analysis. The multi-element chemical analysis allowed the identification of Au-Ag, Au-Pb, Au-Zn, and Au±Cu as the principal associations within the veins. Four mineralizing stages were defined within the system: the first stage is characterized by Qz1+Py1+Ccp1+Po+Cbn with homogenization temperatures between 188.6° and 225°C and salinities between 3.14% and 12.05% (%wt NaCl equiv.). The second and main mineralized stage is characterized by Qz2+Cal1+Py1+Ccp2+Po+Gn1+Sp+Au1, with temperatures between 159.2° and 210°C and salinities less than 9.86% (%wt NaCl equiv.). Qz3+Qz4+Gn2+Au2±Mk represent the third mineralizing stage, with temperatures ranging between 157° and 204°C and salinities ranging from 0.88% to 8.8% (%wt NaCl equiv.). The fourth mineralizing stage and the closure of the system are characterized by Cal2+Py3 veins, with temperatures ranging from 103.8° to 140°C and salinities between 0.18% and 3.71% (%wt NaCl equiv.). The mineralogical association indicates that the ore-forming fluids was neutral to slightly alkaline and relatively reduced based on the absence of hematite and the coexistence of pyrite and chlorite. Under these conditions, HS2 or HS- ions were the dominant sulfide species in the hydrothermal fluid and, consequently, Au (HS)2- or Au (HS) complex ions were probably the complex ions for gold transport. Based on the results presented here, the Estrella-Diamantina mineralized vein system shows characteristics of orogenic gold deposits.
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