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The study area corresponds to the Nunchia Syncline, which is located in the Eastern Foothills of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. This structure is bounded by the Yopal Thrust to the east, and Guaicaramo Thrust to the west. This syncline has mostly outcrops of Miocene units, which belong to the Carbonera (C1-C5), Leon and Guayabo Formations. Here we use sedimentologic data, especially in the Guayabo Formation, in order to determine the influence of active tectonics during its deposition. Petrographic analyses of sandstones indicate the presence of components associated with Upper Cretaceous – Paleocene Formations in the Eastern Cordillera. Paleocurrent orientation shows a preferential trend towards the SE during the deposition of most of the studied formations, with a reversal in flow direction towards the W-NW during the deposition of the Middle Guayabo Formation preserved in the Nunchia syncline. The collected data allows establishing a structural evolution in the Nunchia Syncline which was therefore active during most of the Miocene. This evolution appears to be continuous, although fragmentation of the geological record shows more specific periods of tectonic activity.
Keywords: Nunchia Syncline, tectono-sedimentary evolution, Eastern Cordillera Foothills, paleocurrents, provenance.
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