Vol. 28 No. 1 (2006): Boletín de Geología


C A Borrero
Universidad de Caldas
Y A Parra
Grupo de Investigación en Estratigrafía y Vulcanología Cumanday (GIEV Cumanday)

Published 2013-07-18

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Borrero, C. A., Parra, Y. A., & Ospina, J. C. (2013). ORIGIN OF THE LA CABAÑA FREATOMAGMATIC DEPOSIT, LOWER BASIN OF THE CHINCHINÁRIVER, CALDAS-COLOMBIA. Boletín De Geología, 28(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/3319


The pyroclastic deposit of La Cabaña outcropping to the west of Manizales (Department of Caldas, Colombia) betweenChinchiná and Guacaica rivers in the area of La Cabaña, Tres Puertas and La Manuela, shows an areal distribution ofabout 6 Km2. The approximated distance runout by pyroclastic density current, which generated it, from the probablesource, the Ruiz Volcanic Massif area, to the Cauca river (probable limit to the influence area) is 50 Km.; this pyroclasticdensity current attained a high degree of fluidization and turbulence of a less dense phase, avoiding the confinement alongthe major drainages valleys. Comparing the estimates of the parameters fraction (k) and fragmentation factor (φm/γ),obtained from SFT software, with the mode of each subpopulation from this deposit, we concluded that all subpopulationsare located in the phreatomagmatic field, according to Wohletz (1983), and although the fragmentation mechanism wasmainly phreatomagmatic, this involved little amounts of water. We found that the tendency of the Mode with respect togamma factor, weighted average of the dispersion between the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (Campi Flegrei, Italia) and thepyroclastic deposit of La Cabaña are very similar; from this is possible to infer a common origin associated with a caldera.This proposal could be relate with Londoño & Sudo (2002), whose conclusions predefined a calderic structure in theNevado del Ruiz volcano. The increasing accumulation of enormous gas volumes in some areas (mainly around of theCrater Arenas–Nevado del Ruiz Volcano) at shallow depths, could produce instability in the volcanic–magmatic–hydrothermal system and could trigger phreatic or phreatomagmatic eruptions, in a similar way to the ones that gaveorigin to the pyroclastic deposit of La Cabaña.

Key words: Caldera, phreatomagmatism, pyroclastic density current, Nevado del Ruiz Volcano.


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