Published 2009-04-21
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This work aims to assess the hydrocarbon generator potential of the Upper Paleocene sedimentary rocks, supported by stratigraphic, geochemical and palynological data, taken from samples belonging to different wells located along the Llanos Foothills and Llanos Basin. The geochemical data and facies interpretation of these samples allows conclude that most of the wells are in immature state, with the exception of the well number 4, which ranges in early maturity state. The best geochemical properties of the rocks are located northern of the study area, where the average thickness of the muddy facies of the Upper Paleocene interval reach about 100 feet, in contrast to the Central region, where the thicknesses are generally higher (up to 250 feet), but the quality of the geochemical parameters decreases.
Keywords: Hydrocarbons, Llanos Foothills, Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, Upper Paleocene, Sedimentary Facies.
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