Vol. 29 No. 2 (2007): Boletin de Geologia


How to Cite

Campiño, L., Parra Mantilla, P., & Mora, C. (2007). PALYNOFACIES AND ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY IN THE INTERVAL APTIAN-CONIACIAN (UPPER MAGDALENA VALLEY). Boletín De Geología, 29(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/455



A comparative study between organic geochemistry and the palinofacies was carried out in 67 samples obtained through-out the interval Aptian- Coniacian in a section of Paipa Creak, South of Ataco (Tolima), in the Upper Magdalena Valley. By means of the palinofaciales observations 7 organic components were identifed: amorphous organic matter (MOA), phytoclast, polem, spores, dinofagelates, resins, opaques phytoclast and forams. The percentage variation of these com-ponents allowed the identifcation of an important continental infuence in the Caballos formation and a marine domain in the Tetuan, Shale de Bambuca, La Luna and Lower Lidita Formations.

The geochemical data show high values of COT and IH for the marine formations and in lesser quantity for the Caballos Formation, data related to kerógens type II/III, respectively. The Tmax reveals that most of the samples have not reached the thermal maturity for the hydrocarbon generation yet. The Palinofacies- Organic geochemistry relation indicates that La Luna, Tetún and Shale de Bambucá Formations can be consider as rocks petroleum sources due to its high values in IH, COT and MOA of marine type. The organic matter that originates kerogen type I and II is generally fuorescent, fact that is not corroborated in this study, due to the particular absence of this characteristic in most of the samples.


Key words: Organic geochemistry, palynofacies, fuorescence, organic matter, hydrocarbons.



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