Published 2017-06-14
- Cuba,
- Descriptive modeling,
- mineral deposit,
- sedex
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The research aims at studying the mineral deposit modeling and specifically, at generating a descriptive model of the Santa Lucia deposit. Previous reports and papers related to the study area were consulted to develop the model. During this research, a descriptive model was developed, which consisted in a selection of the geological and technological characteristics of the deposit, which differentiates it from other deposits types, and that they can be used for their study, exploration and, evaluation. The format of the British Columbia Profiles of Canada was chosen to make the descriptive model. Two typical features of these deposits (geochemical zonation and the spatial distribution pattern), which are related to its formation, were also studied. We can conclude the formation process of Santa Lucía mineral deposit was complex, influenced by the régime of sulfur and oxygen and migration of mineralization feeder channel, vary areas of opening of the basin, placed parallels and contents of sulfur could vary in the time. The geochemistry zonality has an anomalous behavior, being observed a horizontal zonation of Zn–S–Pb–Ba, contrary to proposal of previous researchs, it could be provoked by a complex process where influence the presence of different mineralization feeder channels, as well as several cycles of degeneration of the brines, even the migration of the original feeder channel or tectonic later events. Finally, we reach to the conclusion that all the mineral deposits and targets of the metallogenic district are part of the same ore genetic process. Later tectonic activity, distributed for the area in several nappes with deposits and targets, what was a single mineral deposit. This research offers information to the making of the Metallogenic Map 1: 250 000 conducted by Geological Surveys of Cuba (IGP).
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