How to Cite
The Cretaceous rocks that crop out in the Muzo-Quípama area, which belong to the Capotes, Tablazo and Pacho Formations (with late Aptian and late Albian ages), contain pyrophyllite and chloritoid microporphyroblasts (indicators of low-grade or very low-grade metamorphism).
The Muzo and Rosablanca Formations (with Hauterivian-Barremian and Valangianian ages, respectively), show more deformations and a wide hydrothermal veins profusion, wich are considered evidences of the hot migrating fluids flow. To these two units the emerald deposits in the west emerald belt of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia are confined. The temperatures reported for chloritoids and emeralds formations, surprisingly are similar. The participation of hydrothermal fluids in both cases, could be another common feature for these both phenomena. However, there are not overwhelming evidences that allow to relate these with the same thermal (hydrothermal) event.
Key Words: Chloritoid, pyrophyllite, Cordillera Oriental, Western Emerald Belt.
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