Vol. 26 No. 43 (2004): Boletín de Geología

Characterization and significance of allophane and halloysite in Paja Formation rocks (lower cretaceous). West border of Eastern Cordillera, Colombia

Published 2004-12-02


  • Allophane,
  • Halloysite,
  • Albitites,
  • Paja Formation,
  • Emeralds

How to Cite

Mantilla, F., García, R., & Uribe, P. (2004). Characterization and significance of allophane and halloysite in Paja Formation rocks (lower cretaceous). West border of Eastern Cordillera, Colombia. Boletín De Geología, 26(43), 11–22. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistaboletindegeologia/article/view/914


The presence of allophane and halloysite as fillings material of cavities and fissures, in sectors where the organic mudstone (occasionally calcareous) of the Paja Formation present local enrichments of albite of hydrothermal genesis, are interpreted as their supergenic alteration products. Due to the fact that the neoformed albites are generated during the same hydrothermal processes that tend to be associated with the formation of emeralds in Colombia, we propose to consider these supergenic alteration products as macroscopic criterion in exploration of this type of deposits in the context of the Cordillera Oriental.


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