Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Effects of Music on Prosocial and Anomic Behavior

Roberto Carlos Luján Villar
Programa de Doctorado en Salud Universidad del Valle
Juan David Luján Villar
Secretaría de Educación del Distrito - Grupo de Investigación Literatura Educación y Comunicación (LEC)

Published 2019-12-03


  • Violence,
  • listening Music,
  • popular Music,
  • health promotion

How to Cite

Luján Villar, R. C., & Luján Villar, J. D. (2019). Effects of Music on Prosocial and Anomic Behavior. Cambios Y Permanencias, 10(2), 271–304. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/10205


This study aims to establish a homology between musical listening and differentiated social behaviors in two public spaces of entertainment. For this an review of the events of homicidal violence occurred in Colombian clubs in the last three decades, analyzed comparatively with behaviors developed in auditions salsa in Cali, Colombia was made, this was complemented by an ethnographic perspective on the melómanos from Cali (Luján, 2012), and an interdisciplinary theoretical approach. As a result it was found that music-violence relationship requires thinking in building an environment conducive to coexistence, tied to the imperatives of citizen behavior and health perspective, through health promotion of their wider strategies. It is concluded that the exposed data allow associating the musical listening, with the incidence in certain behaviors of the people. The findings suggest that musical listening specifically affects the prosocial or anomic behaviors manifested, according to analysis systems discotheques and record salsa auditions.


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