Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Towards a cinema of political intervention in the Mexico of the seventies. Politicization processes in the members of the October Film Workshop

Alonso Getino Lima
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), México Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa (UAM-I), México

Published 2020-06-30


  • oral history,
  • experience,
  • politicization processes,
  • political cinema,
  • left,
  • political activism
  • ...More

How to Cite

Getino Lima, A. (2020). Towards a cinema of political intervention in the Mexico of the seventies. Politicization processes in the members of the October Film Workshop. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(1), 1375–1397. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11128


In 1974, inside the CUEC classrooms, the October Film Worshop emerged; a group that advocated the making of explicitly political films with the intention of provoking the mobilization of their recipients. These were discourses influenced by international trends, among which those belonging to the New Latin American Cinema stood out. However, the group was not solely due to the impact that the referred film movement had on its members, nor did it arise overnight; rather, it was largely the result of the maturation of the ideas projected by the young people who constituted it, which are understood only in the light of their previous experiences. Thus, from oral history interviews, the trajectories of six members of the organization are studied, locating the convergences and divergences between them and highlighting the aspects that are considered of greater importance to understand the emergence of the October Film Worshop. A group that from the audiovisual medium privileged the political issue to aesthetics to contribute to the transformation of the Mexico of the seventies.


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