Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Orality and ancestral knowledge in parenting of the seeds of life

Hamilton Useda Sánchez
Grupo de educación popular, Universidad del Cauca. I.E.N.S. Perpetuo Socorro, Silvia - Cauca

Published 2020-06-30


  • socialization,
  • orality,
  • seeds of life,
  • ancestral knowledge

How to Cite

Useda Sánchez, H. (2020). Orality and ancestral knowledge in parenting of the seeds of life. Cambios Y Permanencias, 11(1), 1627–1645. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/11140


The research carried out with the sabedores[1] of the people Nasa of Sa'th Tama Kiwe - Caldono, Cauca, revolved around the tension in the indigenous peoples between autonomously educating their children, from the principles and cosmological values or from the orientations of Western thought. The general objective was to identify communally the most significant elements of primary socialization of girls and boys, their processes of identification and cultural self-determination. The road travelled made it possible to place in tension the dominant notions of primary socialization, with the cultural category of seeds of life, between individual well-being and another process that seeks dignified life in harmony with Mother Earth. The work was from the dialogue of knowledge - mingas[2] of thought, spaces of ritualized encounter with others, this communicates knowledge, senses, dreams; according to Borda, sentipensamientos allows us to build and recreate knowledge in order to face the situations of inequality and injustice that affect the peoples of the South. The research resumed on the need to establish popular and indigenous knowledge walking the word of life


[1] Sabedores: Who knows a certain thing or has the knowledge about it.

[2] Mingas: meetings


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