Inquiry into personal existence: my life history as an intergenerational approach (1920-2018)
Published 2020-06-30
- Bogotá,
- Colombia,
- oral history,
- history of life,
- past
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In order to apprehend the social sciences subject, the author investigates the history of her fifteen years. This is possible, firstly, through a series of interviews with his parents, his aunt and one of his grandmothers. After due reading, preparation of materials such as timeline, genealogical tree and oral sources, we proceeded to look for relevant episodes on the dates mentioned by her parents, finding correlations with phenomena such as the daily life of farmers in the first half of the 20th century, internal migration from the countryside to the city, informal work, as well as changes and permanences in different family generations linked to the author.
In that order, it is attempted to make a trace from 1920, birth’s year of one of her grandparents, until 2018, time of writing of the work presented as an approval requirement in social sciences area of Federico García Lorca School, where she was currently in the 9th grade of basic secondary education. According to the formative nature of the student, this should not be understood as a work with a high conceptual and investigative rigour in the strict sense of professional academy, but as a methodological approach that configures a historical consciousness present in a teenager who from the classroom investigates its roots and the relations that these have with the historical development of Bogotá and Colombia.
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Fuentes orales
López Orjuela, A. L. (2018a). Entrevista a María Emma Niño. Bogotá: 14 de octubre.
López Orjuela, A. L. (2018b). Entrevista a Susana Orjuela. Bogotá: 14 de septiembre.
López Orjuela, A. L. (2018c). Entrevista a Virginia Orjuela. Bogotá: 14 de octubre.