Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier Representaciones de la violencia en la literatura infantil y juvenil

Writing the violence. Choose the word in the face of silence

Carola Martínez Arroyo

Published 2021-06-28


  • writing,
  • childhood,
  • dictatorship,
  • memory,
  • silence

How to Cite

Martínez Arroyo, C. (2021). Writing the violence. Choose the word in the face of silence. Cambios Y Permanencias, 12(1), 50–64. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/12377


Writing about one's own experience implies putting memories into play that are transformed through writing in the memory of an entire society. In this text, Carola Martínez addresses her own creative and personal process after the writing of Matilde (2016) and how this writing project is a response to her own history, an unavoidable positioning in the face of the past and a contribution to the search for the truth.


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Martínez Arroyo, C. (2016). Matilde. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Norma.

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