Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier El pronunciamiento de Maracaibo y la independencia gran-colombiana

Rafael Urdaneta and the pronouncement of the province of Maracaibo in 1821

Arlene Urdaneta Quintero
Universidad del Zulia (Maracaibo, Venezuela).

Published 2021-06-29


  • Independence,
  • Maracaibo,
  • Rafael Urdaneta,
  • Dissidence

How to Cite

Urdaneta Quintero, A. (2021). Rafael Urdaneta and the pronouncement of the province of Maracaibo in 1821. Cambios Y Permanencias, 12(1), 236–260. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/12386


The relevance of the discussion of these issues is indisputable to discuss not only the performance of the province of Maracaibo in the emancipation process but also the participation of other provinces of the territory of the Captaincy General of Venezuela in this significant juncture in our national history. In the same way, highlight the historical role of Rafael Urdaneta in the definitive pronouncement of the dissident provinces of the western part of the territory in favor of the liberal republic that was brewing. Using the techniques, resources and method of historical science, we have reflected on the historical sources and contributions of some historiographic studies in order to offer a new reflexible and critical look on the independence process of Maracaibo, considering this jurisdiction as a province. dissident to the movement led by the Caracas council. Efforts have also been made to highlight the role of Rafael Urdaneta as promoter of the events that favored the pronouncement of Maracaibo in favor of independence in 1821 sealed, after the capitulation of Francisco Tomás Morales, with the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo in 1823. This approach makes it clear that it is still necessary to study significant aspects of this important historical period in the history of Zulia and Venezuela, which is why it is necessary to expand the consultation of historical sources located in archives of Caracas, Bogotá and Seville.


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Documentales impresas

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