Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier Experiencias y prácticas de investigación

Contrast from the perspective of the subject: Critical reflections of the investigative approach about the Gypsy Woman

Fanny Elina Novack
Universidad Nacional de Patagonia Austral
Flavia Cáceres
Universidad Nacional de Lujan
Sara Abbondanza
Universidad Nacional de Catamarca

Published 2021-12-13


  • perspective of the subject,
  • critical reflexivity,
  • gypsy woman

How to Cite

Novack, F. E. ., Cáceres, F., & Abbondanza, S. . (2021). Contrast from the perspective of the subject: Critical reflections of the investigative approach about the Gypsy Woman. Cambios Y Permanencias, 12(2), 120–145. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/12829


Through this writing, the particular research experience of the author Fanny Novack was recovered, who offered to present her research work on the life stories and narratives of gypsy woman from the Rom community, with access higher education. This with the objective of contrast the way of approaching it with the forms proposed from the perspective of the subject. The analysis implied questioning how the approach with the gypsy community did it happen, acknowledging the obstacles that she faced in their academic career, from a reflexivity that implies subjecting each of strategies, decisions and methodological operations to critical scrutiny, in a way that is possible to generate critical knowledge about themselves. Throughout the analysis, the contrast is raised with respect to the exposed work, but also in relation to the experiences of each of the team members. From which it is realized that the major questions appear around the position as researchers, hierarchical with respect to the subject; and the way in which it impacts on the conceptual resignifications about the Rom community and the gypsy woman.


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