Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier Experiencias y prácticas de investigación

Being a subject involved and situated in the research

Silvia Carina Valiente Bertello
Centro de Investigación y Transferencia de Catamarca

Published 2021-12-13


  • subject,
  • autonomy,
  • memories,
  • capitalist domination

How to Cite

Valiente Bertello, S. C. . (2021). Being a subject involved and situated in the research. Cambios Y Permanencias, 12(2), 195–210. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/12833


This writing includes the proposal to investigate from the subject as part of the problem proposed by the Mexican sociologist Rafael Sandoval Álvarez, as one of the options to investigate the subject and the territory, in the subject-subject epistemological scheme. The particularity of this perspective is that it has autonomy as a project, and in general terms, it brings us closer to a way of knowing and building knowledge from the doing-thinking of the subject that resists the subject that makes the domination: the capitalist subject. From this perspective, what makes research possible from and with the subject is to get in tune with their memories and knowledge, with their trajectories and times, and to recognize themselves as part of that subject, that is, to be involved in the subjectivity of that subject that resists capitalist domination. This is the meaning of being a subject involved and situated in the investigation.


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  1. Referencias Bibliográficas
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