Published 2021-12-13
- Dissident architectures,
- social resistances,
- subjectivities,
- genealogy,
- archeology.
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A simultaneously political, subjective and spatial analysis is presented, focused on the study of techniques for the production and construction of housing units. Its objective is to describe the critical framework raised in the field of construction, from the dissident practice of architecture analysis and its opposed to space capture modes such as industrial and modern practices of academic/official architecture. Therefore, the thesis is affirmed: The dissident and resistant architecture has been placed in frank opposition to the effects of spatial capture, originated in the official and State architecture, through the implementation of a critical framework consisting of theoretical debates, own productive and organizational new ways. For this purpose, a documentary study is carried out focused on the analysis of the subject and the productive / constructive, discursive, power and ethical practices that constitute it and, eventually, could release it, an exploration consistent with archeology and Foucauldian genealogy. Finally, it is concluded that popular architectural traditions have managed to resist the modernizing project, in short, resistant / dissident architecture, is proposed as a theoretical / political invention by means of grouping a set of emergencies and pragmatic, productive, ethical and discursives to analyze the resistant struggle.
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