The Museum of Modern Art of Bucaramanga and the rehabilitation of the urban architectural heritage
Published 2022-06-05
- architectural heritage,
- bien de interés cultural,
- museum of art,
- heritage rehabilitation,
- cultural heritage
- urban architectural heritage ...More
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This article reflects on the rehabilitation of the urban architectural heritage carried out by the Museum of Modern Art of Bucaramanga Foundation– MAMB (Colombia), in a casa quinta built in 1936 in the same city. Since 1989, the Museum has been operating on this property, which, thanks to its artistic and cultural activity, made it possible for the property to be recognized as a Bien de Interés Cultural - BIC at the municipal level, guaranteeing its permanence in the city as part of the history of Bucaramanga residential houses of the first half of the 20th century. Texts that address the rehabilitation of architectural heritage as a strategy for its preservation and some existing regulations in this regard were consulted. Part of the history and functions of the MAMB in the property, related to the conservation of this building, as well as its contributions to caring for the environment given the reuse of the casa quinta and the preservation of its green areas are also disclosed. For this writing, we spoke with MAMB staff and cultural actors who are related to the history and memory of the property.
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