Universidad Pal Barrio as a proposal for popular education, reexistence and de-eliticization of the Falsbordian-inspired academy
Published 2024-09-25
- Universidad Pal Barrio,
- Orlando Fals Borda,
- Participatory Action Research,
- Popular education,
- Academy
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The purpose of this article is to reflect on Universidad Pal Barrio, a popular education proposal inspired by Orlando Fals Borda’s methodology of PAR (Participatory Action Research), in order to question the precepts that govern traditional academia. For this purpose, I will explain the origins of Universidad Pal Barrio in the context of the social uprising of 2021; I will describe the experience around the concepts Circles of Word and Affection and Good Livings; and I will describe the relationship between the Falsbordian proposal with the so-called Epistemologies of the South. In the light of this exercise, the transcendental role played by PRA and popular education in social, political and educational transformations will be recognized.
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