Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Human mobility in South America Migration and rights. An analysis based on the argentine experience

Alfredo M. López Rita
Universidad de Buenos Aires, INDEAL-UBA
Pintura Guido Llinás,  Colección privada


  • Human rights,
  • regional integration,
  • public politics,
  • international migrations,
  • human mobility,
  • South America
  • ...More

How to Cite

López Rita, A. M. (2017). Human mobility in South America Migration and rights. An analysis based on the argentine experience. Cambios Y Permanencias, 8(1), 274–288. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/6960


The relevance acquired by human rights in the framework of South American migration policies in recent years has made them a central axis due to the extreme vulnerability of the migrant population. The increasingly voluminous pace of human mobility at the global level is a hot topic in discussions on rights and development, and any definition and ordering of a migration policy should be consistent with respect for the human rights of migrants. In this study we will evaluate the results of the alternative paradigm applied in the South American space at the beginning of this century.


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