Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

The violence represented in the Colombian cinema: Political violence, narco violence and the post-conflict film challenge

Luis Felipe Ortega Rincón
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Pintura Guido Llinás,  Colección privada


  • Colombian cinema,
  • political violence,
  • narco violence,
  • post-conflict

How to Cite

Ortega Rincón, L. F. (2017). The violence represented in the Colombian cinema: Political violence, narco violence and the post-conflict film challenge. Cambios Y Permanencias, 8(1), 622–633. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/6988


This text begins by defining a theoretical framework that serves as a basis for understanding what is Violence and what its forms are in the Colombian context; In addition to how these, have marked the national artistic expressions, mainly in the Cinema. This framework will be used to determine how we should approach the study of the phenomena of Violence in the reality, to later understand the reflexes of this in fiction.

In the second part, a descriptive-critical sweep of the main Colombian films is made, which includes within its arguments components of Violence proper to the national reality; In this segment the manifestations of Violence are framed in two topics: Political Violence and Narco Violence.

In conclusion, we will analyze the Colombian feature film "La sirga" by William Vega, 2012. Emphasizing how this production approaches Violence from the technical and conceptual aspect of the image, and the narrative work in the construction of the script, all with a view to Development of a "Post-Conflict" cinema.


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