Published 2016-12-05
- Second Spanish Republic,
- spanish civil war,
- reformism,
- 1931-1936
How to Cite
It was the intention of the socialist-republican coalition, when it came to power in 1931, to solve a series of pivotal issues that had never found solutions since the inception of liberalism a century earlier: implementing a genuine democracy, structuring the State in order to take into account the nationalist aspirations of certain regions, curtailing the financial, ideological and educational powers of the Church; reducing social injustice while granting rights to the working classes; tackling the unequal distribution of the landed property; and lastly establishing civilian control over the army. This paper shows that, far from being accepted and supported by a significant majority of public opinion, the measures that were taken had the opposite effect of exacerbating the rifts and hatreds that, for decades already, had plagued Spanish society.
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Constitución española de 1931. Recuperado de:
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