No. 7 (2016): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Exposure to trauma: post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) in victims from colombian armed conflict and possible challenges of the integral health and psychosocial assistance to victims program (papsivi)

Laura Yolanda Díaz Caballero
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Seccional Bucaramanga
Carolina Serrano Martínez
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Seccional Bucaramanga


  • Trauma,
  • PTSD,
  • Appetitive Aggression,
  • Victims,
  • Colombian armed conflict
  • ...More

How to Cite

Díaz Caballero, L. Y., & Serrano Martínez, C. (2016). Exposure to trauma: post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) in victims from colombian armed conflict and possible challenges of the integral health and psychosocial assistance to victims program (papsivi). Cambios Y Permanencias, (7), 801–814. Retrieved from


The development of the colombian armed conflict has been related to an increasing prevalence of the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other disorders associated to trauma (such as appetitive aggression) in victim population. According to this it has been established a critical analysis to possible challenges that might present state programs such as the Psychosocial Assistance and Integral Health Program (PAPSIVI).

The challenges we found relay on: the need to train properly the therapeutic personnel, the lack of epidemiologic research with the specific population, data about prevalence and disorders associated, and the need to implement new therapeutic approaches.


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