No. 6 (2015): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

From the stages to the unions - The actors’ unionization in Río de Janeiro and Buenos Aires between 1930 - 1945

Flavia Ribeiro Veras
Fundación Getulio Vargas


  • artist,
  • work,
  • transnationalidad,
  • labor class

How to Cite

Ribeiro Veras, F. (2015). From the stages to the unions - The actors’ unionization in Río de Janeiro and Buenos Aires between 1930 - 1945. Cambios Y Permanencias, (6), 271–305. Retrieved from


This article deals with the issues of the world of work by artists who mobilized on the Argentina Association of Actors and the Casa dos Artistas between 1930 and 1945. Currently the two institutions unions class artists did in their countries (Argentina and Brazil). The objective of this article is to think relationships of these associations with the transformation of the artist's identity in the 1940s marked position as artist-worker. I argue that the identification of the artist with the world of work and their questions had transnational nature, once it was cleared of intense dialogue and international exchange by means of field trips, and radio broadcasts of international cinema. This research is located in the new field of social work history and is very involved with the question of transnationality.


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Documentación Primaria

Archivo de la Cancellería Argentina


Asociación Argentina de Actores

Biblioteca Nacional – Brasil

Biblioteca Nacional – Argentina

Funarte – RJ

Museu da Imagem e do Som - RJ