No. 6 (2015): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Daydream of Modernity: Self-destruction of a brave new world ¿Is there an alternative?

Yuber Hernando Rojas Ariza
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Seccional Bucaramanga)


  • Deveploment,
  • Happiness,
  • Reason,
  • Self-destruction,
  • Alternative,
  • Good living
  • ...More

How to Cite

Rojas Ariza, Y. H. (2015). Daydream of Modernity: Self-destruction of a brave new world ¿Is there an alternative?. Cambios Y Permanencias, (6), 330–348. Retrieved from


It is important to question the modern Happiness and interrogate the Development project. Through a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, this text wants to highlight the question of the meaning of human existence. To understand this, three moments arise: first, the need to question the Development project; second, the emphasis on self-destruction of humanity; and third, the demarcation of good living as an alternative to modern happiness.


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