No. 6 (2015): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Investigadores en Formación

Road to inclusive education: the way of the trademakers “unregistered” of knowledge

Laura Katherine Becerra González
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO
Yenny Liseth Pineda Durán
Universidad Industrial de Santander


  • Multiculturalism,
  • educational policies,
  • egalitarian liberalism

How to Cite

Becerra González, L. K., & Pineda Durán, Y. L. (2015). Road to inclusive education: the way of the trademakers “unregistered” of knowledge. Cambios Y Permanencias, (6), 364–376. Retrieved from


Multiculturalism has been questioned in recent years. With the Social change and the advent of neoliberalism, the welfare state has been degraded, social homogenization and multiculturalist political elites have compromised to the several existing cultures leaving their essence aside. It seeks to establish a dialogue that goes beyond politics and that includes intellectual and educational characteristics, involving the total populations to achieve intercultural (Walsh, 2004) in which all people without exclusions will generate knowledge, with the main axis the cultural diversity.


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