No. 6 (2015): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Investigadores en Formación

A historical assessment of the particularities of judicial files relating to the Thousand Days War

Camilo Caicedo Hernández
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Luis Carlos Carlos Mateus Corzo
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Laura P. Rojas Villamizar
Universidad Industrial de Santander


  • Guerra de los Mil Días,
  • people classes,
  • research’s sources,
  • judicial files

How to Cite

Caicedo Hernández, C., Mateus Corzo, L. C. C., & Rojas Villamizar, L. P. (2015). A historical assessment of the particularities of judicial files relating to the Thousand Days War. Cambios Y Permanencias, (6), 377–390. Retrieved from


This paper was made as a complement of digitizing of judicial files relating to Thousand Days War (Guerra de los Mil Días). In order to further the research viewpoint about the strategies and actions of people classes among this war, the paper examines those exertions that scholars have developed in that way. In connection with that, it goes into the discussion about the sources for this kind of researches, holding that the favour about the official sources has obscured the sight toward the comprehension of the experiences of common people when the war erupts over their lifes.  


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