No. 5 (2014): Change and Permanence Journal

Towards a cultural history of the Mexican cemeteries

Gabriela Servín Orduño

Published 2014-12-08


  • Popular religiosity,
  • burial rituals,
  • the fear,
  • cemetery

How to Cite

Servín Orduño, G. (2014). Towards a cultural history of the Mexican cemeteries. Cambios Y Permanencias, (5), 411–426. Retrieved from


The work that the reader will be available part of a series of questions that I have raised as part of my doctoral thesis on cemeteries during the 19th century Mexican, the approach that I've had with these spaces of death has led me to touch related topics such as: the popular, religious practices, rituals, and social perceptions before the pain and fear. The cemetery seen from a cultural history space shows how these issues converge inside showing how society has been a major agent my interest is to see these issues in a general manner through the long life in Mexico, focusing research on the colonial era of the new Spain, the passage of the camposanto cemetery and finally the cemetery from the contemporary look.


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Fuentes hemerográficas

Los panteones. (8 de diciembre de 1882). El Nacional, p. 2 Hemeroteca Nacional de México.

Notas sueltas. (6 de julio d 1850). El Universal, p. 4. Hemeroteca Nacional de México.