No. 4 (2013): Revista Cambios y Permanencias

Horror film as representation of human existence

Francy Daniela Cárdenas Arenas
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Diana Marcela Trochez Ferreira
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Sandro Alberto Díaz Boada
Universidad Nacional de Santiago de Estero

Published 2013-12-09


  • Birth,
  • trauma,
  • pain,
  • fear,
  • death,
  • horror film
  • ...More

How to Cite

Cárdenas Arenas, F. D., Trochez Ferreira, D. M., & Díaz Boada, S. A. (2013). Horror film as representation of human existence. Cambios Y Permanencias, (4), 254–275. Retrieved from


This is an introductory about the analysis of existence based on Cioran, exemplified in the horror genre films. The mentioned work, entitled "Horror film as representation of human existence" starts with the explanation of the birth as originator of universal human trauma that sentence to human beings to the frustration, being inherent part of life: the pain and the fear. Then, identified three basic concepts, pain, fear and death as innate in existence to relate images that gives the horror films.


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