No. 3 (2012): Revista Cambios y Permanencias


Erik José Vera Mercado
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Julián Andrés Ariza Arias
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Clara Inés Peña de Carrillo
Universidad Industrial de Santander
Gilberto Carrillo Caicedo
Universidad Industrial de Santander


  • Culture,
  • ICT,
  • e-Government,
  • G2C,
  • technological acceptance,
  • techno-social environment
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vera Mercado, E. J., Ariza Arias, J. A., Peña de Carrillo, C. I., & Carrillo Caicedo, G. (2012). CULTURAL REGULATION BY MEANS OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL ACCEPTANCE IN A TECHNO-SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT. Cambios Y Permanencias, (3), 321–351. Retrieved from


Currently in Colombia, the programs developed to facilitate citizens appropriation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) concentrate efforts on to increasing and to improving the ICT infrastructure (hardware-software). This tendency might be observed in the results presented by the government about ICT politics which register the number of given computers, the increase on information transmission/reception speed or the number of Internet connections enabled in the country, among others. However, the access to the Information Society, the knowledge construction and the development of cognitive processes result to be non reachable complex phases with just having more technology. This work proposes the consideration of variables linked to the cultural environment of the regions and the knowledge of its relationships, with the purpose of having a key factor to predict the technological acceptance and its impact in the culture of the inhabitants. If the multidimensional complex culture is not considered to implement the ICT in the society, the digital gap will increasingly be bigger and it will increase the inequality in the education and in the use of the technological resources giving at the end a bigger social inequity and poverty.


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