Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017): Revista Cambios y Permanencias
Dossier: III Encuentro Nacional de Historia Oral y memoria

Biolearning in the pedagogical practice of a teacher

Gladys Restrepo de Zabala
Colegio Villemar el Carmen IED

Published 2017-12-15


  • Mechanistic paradigm,
  • emerging paradigm,
  • biolearnirg,
  • pedagogical practices,
  • pedagogical narration

How to Cite

Restrepo de Zabala, G. (2017). Biolearning in the pedagogical practice of a teacher. Cambios Y Permanencias, 8(2), 1183–1201. Retrieved from https://revistas.uis.edu.co/index.php/revistacyp/article/view/7819


This research is part of the critical analysis of the pedagogic life history of its author, her work in the educational field during 40 years as teacher of basic and secondary school and university professor. It starts with the pedagogic narrative as a thoughtful means of  collection and memory of her experiences; it shows the anchorage, twists and transitions within her pedagogical practice in the shift to an education based in the mechanistic paradigm to one reinterpreted in the emerging paradigm. Such analysis is oriented to the identification of the distinctive features of the pedagogical practice corresponding to each of the two paradigms used as reference. The set of narrations are organized progressively in three great moments of her life journey until the present: 1°- Beginning and schooling, 2°- Professional training and 3°- Advanced studies. Subsequently, the critical analysis enables the identification of the anchorage and, contrasting the moments from four categories (cardinal points) which are characteristic of every pedagogical practice: contents, relationship between the teacher and the student, methodology and evaluation, through a triangulation of the moments with each of the categories in analytical tables, and the discovery of the transitions emerging from the current moment of her educational work. Finally, the Closing and Opening remarks are presented, which conclude with new learning and a brief proposal of principles of education with sensitivity from an emerging perspective.


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